Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just a little amount of time left until the New Year.

There is only a little bit of time left until the New Year, and Christmas has just past. The worst thing you can think of happening around the holidays is losing a loved one. On Friday, December 28, Gram Hutch died. Unfortunatley, when it comes down to something like this happening it forces the family to make decisions as a group... One thing that they have never been very good at. Even when it comes to something like this. One reason why most of the time, I stay away from the family when decisions are made. Not many people realize that another year has passed and that a brand new one is about to begin, along with a fresh start. The start of a New Year brings upon tons of opportunities to better yourself in many different ways. I declare that this New Year is going to be the start of change. The start of a better life for me and baby.
I have another ultrasound that is coming closer and closer, on Wed Jan 2. I'm so nervous about what I'm going to find out yet excited at another opportunity to see my baby and get a 100% look at if baby is in fact a girl or a boy. But most of all to make sure that baby is healthy and if she/he does have club foot, that we are prepared for it so we can treat it and fix it right away.
After all of this is done and over, the ultrasound and wake on wed, and the funeral on thursday, hopefully everyone will be okay again. And I will be able to get my life on track again. Unfortunately there is one other person I'm a little concerned about, my father. When we were celebrating christmas, he said that when he doesn't eat enough sugar he gets major migranes and feels sick. Also he was just doing work he normally does lifting 2x4's and he tore a muscle in the upper part of his left arm. Just makes me a little more concerned about him knowing that he is getting older and still thinks he's 30. Apparently he has a doc appt on Jan 9th to get checked out.
Hopefully everything will go alright though.

1 comment:

Greg said...


It was nice seeing you these last couple of days!! It was good to hear that the baby is ok, and seeing the ultrasound pics. You will be a great mom, as you have had a good role model in Brend.

Your blog is good and I look forward to keeping up with you and the baby through it!