Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Weekend

The girls and I A and E had a fun filled weekend while mom and dad were in Fargo, ND at dad's state poker tournament. Friday we had waffles for dinner with my boyfriend J and made vanilla pudding and had a movie night with the fort and all, we watched Night at the Museum. The girls loved it.
Saturday we made jello, and chocolate chip cookies. And I made chicken dumpling soup!
A and E both requested that I make it more often. And of course T and B have started the grand tradition of rubbing it in when they have something for lunch or dinner that I would want,
I had to return the favor, I sent them multiple pics of the girls enjoying their soup as you see :). It was a great weekend. We aslo had to bare the cold to run to walmart to get milk. Then for dinner we had a pizza night.

Sunday, we had pancakes and sausage for breakfast with my BF J and had a lazy day of sitting around the house cleaning and watching movies munching on the great cookies and jello we had made the day before. Then later that night T and B arrived home after the girls were in bed. The girls were really good so we ran to walmart again and got them each a Littlest Pet Shop toy. They couldn't wait to share them with mom and dad. So over all it was a great fun weekend! Except for the fact that i have this awful cold that just won't go away!

Monday, January 14, 2008

My kitties!






These are my kittens, well technically it started out three are mine and two are my BF J's but they are all both of ours. going from the top to bottom. 1.Tink 2.Squirt 3.Sasha 4.Bug 5. Angel.
Tink, Sasha, and Angel are sisters, and Bug and Squirt are also sisters. The two sets are 9 days apart in age. They are all around 16 weeks old. They are still small for their age all of them i would consider rescues cuz the first three their mom was killed by a car and the second three were the runts and weren't getting fed enough so i had to feed them all by bottle for the first 3-5 weeks i had them. They are all sisters now though. They all really have different personalities too. Its quite funni I'm working on getting a video of them up soon. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

day in and day out...

Day in and day out it seems to be the same thing ever since... well my last blog entry almost, get up 7:30 am get girls ready for school/daycare, get Em on the bus, pick up from the morning...(most of the time), get ready for work work at 11:30am, work until whenever i can't pick up any OT anymore. (there is a limit only 12 hours a day you can work.)after 7 days straight OMG im draggin my butt. And i have a 11 hour day tomorrow and prolly a 12 the next and then the following until friday when i get a sorta break... I get the 18-20th off cuz Oh Captian made State for Texas Hold'em and him and my sister are going to Fargo for the weekend. Its sorta a mini vaca if you consider i don't have to go to work, but i have to watch a 4 and an 8 year old pick on each other and drive me absolutely nuts no listening to what I tell them... don't get me wrong I love them to death they can just drive me batty. I really hope Oh Capitan wins, so i can get a bonus for this weekend cuz, there is 12 hours of OT available on Sat and 10 on Sunday that I really need to work. But yeah anyway.

The POS 2003 chevy Impala broke down again. This time it won't start no matter what i do. Normally jumping it worked. So now i have to figure something out with that too. I really wish i hadn't made such a terrible investment, but thats in the past and I have to deal with it now. I'm hoping I'll be able to take it in and trade it out for a different car. But we'll see.

Other than that, baby is going emensly I finally had to switch to maternity pants, the other ones just weren't cutting it anymore. She kicks all the time its to the point now where she wakes me up at night sometimes. And my back pain gets worse every week. But yeah I just keep telling myself that in the end it will all be worth it. and it seems to get me thru the day... day after day after day... The nice thing about working long ours is that during the down time at work, between the yelling and screaming of angry customers, I've been able to make a list of things that baby's daddy needs to do in order to be a part of his daughters life.... (hes not the greatest person in the world drugs alcohol you name it). Apparently though he has been drug free for awhile now, but still drinks... what can i expect though he just turned 21. Anyway, he knows there is going to be restrictions and things like that, he just wants me to spell them out lol. SO i got him a Appt and goal planner. That i've written my appts down in and how far along I am in and dates that he should have certian things done or purchased by for the baby. For example, he needs to have his own apt by May 1st. He needs to have all the necessary equipment to take care of a baby which I have given him a list and will probably help him set up and help him make decisions on what to get. Also I've decided that he needs to take a Newborn Care class thru my hospital before he will be able to take the baby without me being there. Also he's going to provide me with proof of his drug free ness with random drug tests that he is paying for from his own pocket. Which considering thats alot better than what the courts would give him after his history hes taking it no questions asked thank god. He even offered to buy me my crib (http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/602-7889522-6280647?ie=UTF8&coliid=I34YLWFUZUSQWI&asin=B000XFMZC8&colid=A41Q25YJAOCP&bckreg=lc) i want and the travels system(car seat and stroller set)(http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/602-7889522-6280647?ie=UTF8&coliid=IXFV2W8KTQGNY&asin=B000LPD8OE&colid=A41Q25YJAOCP&bckreg=lc). Which is freaking outstanding.

Progress is being made thats great. But yes, with that I draw this blog entry to a close, going to bed finally after a long day and a little venting will do me some good. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures!

The top right is my baby girl at our first ultrasound on December 21st, 2007. The top right is my baby girls big right foot, at our second ultrasound on January 2nd, 2008.

The above left is another picture from my first ultrasound on Dec. 21st, 2007. You can see her big hand all stretched out! The above right is her huge right foot at our 2nd ultrasound on Jan 2, 2008.
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