Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Day Another Dollar.

There is one advantage to working alot, good pay. Although when you work so much you don't have much else you do with your time but try and sleep and eat it gets a little more interesting. I really enjoy working at Charter, I love the people I work with and sometimes I have fun with my customers too but there are also those days that just suck because no matter what you do it isn't good enough for any customer and you are the person they are going to take all their problems out on. I have been striving to get promoted for over 6 months now and I'm very close to getting there but there are many many other people that have more experience and have worked their so much longer than I have its just still a shot in the dark. So, I took the opportunity the other day and applied at Mayo, for various jobs. I'm hoping they call me because that would be outstanding but if they don't I'll just keep trying. I also applied for a couple of jobs at Olmstead Medical Center. It would be really nice to get into Mayo then I would be able to go to school and have it paid for. It would be great but who knows what will happen.
Anyway, I had my gestational diabetes test the other day I haven't gotten my test results yet unfortunately but hopefully by Monday I will. I'm in the home stretch as my doctor would say, I'm 28 weeks this coming Wednesday. I was worried about not gaining enough weight...well not anymore ha ha. I've gained 18 pounds in the last 6 weeks which is alot for me! I've always had a hard time putting on weight but not this time thank goodness! My doc still wants to see me gain quite a bit more but I don't absolutely need too gain as much as she would like, its just that my BMI was lower than normal when I went in at the beginning. But anyway, I'm going to go enjoy the beautiful day outside. I'll write more soon!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tired all the time.

Its this never ending cycle, no matter how much sleep I get its never enough. I guess it doesn't help that I work all the time. I feel like I never leave that place. I mean don't get me wrong I like my job because I love the people I work with, its just the customers are emotionally and sometimes physically draining it stinks. Also trying to get noticed and improve in my own work makes it harder also, trying to get promoted. And my emotional roller coaster sucks too. I hate not being able to control my emotions. I just have to keep in mind that it will all be worth it in the end.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finally no longer a teenager!

YAY! Finally is a word that comes to mind today as today marks my 20th birthday! I'm going to enjoy a well deserved day off hanging with my sister! more to come later today:)

Monday, February 4, 2008

First Monday of the Month

Wow, it's been awhile since I wrote... Well now it's into February and I'm 3 days from being 20 years old. Three Years ago today, I moved to Rochester. Looking back at the day of and the couple of days afterwards, just makes me appreciate even more what my sister and brother-in-law have done for me. Yes I've still screwed up. And yes I've still made some wrong decisions, but I'm alot better off than I was three years ago. If anything moving to Rochester with them gave me expieriences that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have a great job, I hate it sometimes but there are alot of opportunities to move up in the company which is great. And the people that I work with are awesome. I graduated from high school, barely but I did which is still great.
But anyway, I'm now 24 weeks along in my pregnancy and I'm a little concerned because I'm still so small, but I guess thats what happened with my mom she was small until her 6th month so we will see what happens, my doctor also says that I'm doing fine but I'm just being a worry wart I hope.
Work is going great I've slowly but surely been working my way to getting promoted, I hope anyway. There are alot of hoops you have to jump thru to get promoted all these certifications you have to get before you can move up so yeah. Its been proving to be difficult. But other than that not much else has happened besides that my car sucks and its sucking all my money away. I'll keep you posted this week I should find out when my interview is I hope!